Open Source Empathy

Case Studies

Hello. I’m Daniel Buckley. I’m a Creative Director, Product Designer, Artist, and Educator. I’m looking for my next creative venture. If you’re interested in collaborating, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Audio Sleep Intervention (2021)

Concepting the next innovation in sleep health.

Gemini (2019)

Gestural interface for headworn audio wearables.

Multi-modal System Design (2018)

An exploration, assessment, and future of our ecosystem user interfaces.

Taste Profile Creation (2018)

Concepting the creation, onboarding, and visualization of a user’s taste profile for diverse content.

Smart Speaker Design (2017)

My team’s exploration and design recommendations for Bose’s first smart speaker ecosystem.

SoundTouch Mobile App (2016)

My team’s exploration in delivering a redesign of Bose’s SoundTouch mobile application.

Shpongletron 3.0 (2014)

Designing and building a multimedia concert experience.

The Prometheus Clock (2013)

Designing and building a tool for the God of Fire.

Data-driven Light Sculpture (2013)

Bringing new life to the party with the merging of the digital and the physical.

Open Source Empathy (2012)

My graduate thesis that explored how Psychoanlysis and Design can empower communities to be more empathic.

Empathic Post-its (2011)

Using post-its to garner empathy within a community.

Fear/Bravery Wall (2011)

An attempt to create a safe space for a community to share their vulnerabilities, and empathize with each other.

My exploration in delivering a social collaboration platform for engineering-focused show, Design Squad Nation on PBS Kids.

Martha Speaks (2008)

Animation, Web Design, and Educational Game design for PBS Kids.